I created a series of illustrations based on a couple of doodles I did on my pocket notebook after a productive visit to the south. The main idea is to create 3-5 animal prints for me to sell in my upcoming shop.

My Inpiration

The sun was about to set as our car zoomed past SLEX after our little visit to the south. The golden hour created beautiful colors of warm yellows and pinks. Looking at the clouds and its shapes, the first illustration (the tiger) dawned on me.

As our country was hit by the pandemic and one typhoon after another, it’s difficult to feel relatively positive or calm. Anxiety is part of our daily lives now as we go to our weekly grocery run or the inevitable days of when we have to go to the drugstore when we run out of medicine or vitamins. It is also present when we soak our online orders in alcohol and other disinfectants. We’ve lived in this bubble of worry for the past few months with no end in sight. I wanted to create this series to give a sense of calm and happiness to the people who see these prints. I want them to remember to rest, to play, and to feel happy – even for just a bit.

Tiger’s Rest

For the first illustration, I had a pretty clear idea of what I wanted it to look like. The main colors would be green and red, with varying tones to zone in on the subject itself. I wanted the tiger to look serene in its rest under the sun streaming down, seeping through the leaves from the trees above.

Axolotl’s Play

This one was done without much planning, as you can probably see in the sketch. I just wanted the axolotl having fun in a garden of blues & violets.

A Fox Slumbers

This one I created while listening to one of our new members singing on a Facebook Live.

I wanted a slight breeze rustling the leaves as the fox sleeps on a tree stump after a day of play.

This is probably one of the more recent works that I’ve gotten to really love and I can’t wait to have them as prints and stickers to be sold in my shop as well! Definitely going to do more of these.

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